Amman is the capital and largest city of Jordan, serving as the country’s economic, political, and cultural center. As of 2021, it has a population of approximately four million people, making it the largest city in the Levant region and ranking as the fifth-largest city in the Arab world. The metropolitan area of Amman is recognized as one of the most significant urban centers in the Middle East.
Amman is one of the oldest cities on the planet. It is even mentioned in the Old Testament. In those distant times, it was called Rabbath Ammon and was the capital of the Ammon Kingdom, later conquered by the Assyrians and then by the Persians and Greeks. The Greek ruler Ptolemy II of Egypt gave the city a new name, Philadelphia. It was later ruled by the Romans but was conquered by the Turks. They, in turn, were forced out by the army of the Hashemites, who established their monarchy here and rule today.
In the sixth century, the city’s name was Amman. In the VIII century, it was almost completely destroyed by an earthquake. And it was finally restored only in the XIX century.
Nowadays, Amman is considered an industrial city with food, textile, tobacco, oil refining, and cement industries.
The city is conventionally divided into eastern and western parts. East Amman is a traditional neighborhood with mazes of narrow streets and unexpected dead ends. Low-income city dwellers live here, and Palestinian refugee camps are located on its outskirts. The western part of the city has well-developed neighborhoods, shopping malls, restaurants, and cafes. There are museums and architectural monuments in this part of town.
As of 2015, Amman was home to about 1.8 million people. Muslim Arabs mostly populate it. Ethnic groups represented in the city are Palestinians, Iraqis, Circassians, and Armenians.
Amman is located at an altitude of 773 meters above sea level, which affects its climate. The city has features of Mediterranean and continental belts. The coldest month is January. The average air temperature at this time is +10°C. In winter, there are frosts and sometimes even snow. In spring, the air is warm, on average, up to + 14°С in March and up to + 25°С in May. The hottest months are July and August when the thermometer rises most often to +31°C. In autumn, the air temperature gradually decreases from +27°C in September to +17°C in November.
Traditionally, Amman is dry and hot in summer, and the annual precipitation rate falls in winter.
The best time to visit Amman is in spring when there is still no heat, the air is fresh, and everything is in bloom.
In April, the largest theater festival in Central Asia and North Africa – Amman International Theater Festival – takes place here.
Early May is marked by the Hakaya Festival, which brings together storytellers of Oriental tales and stories, both past and present.
In early December, the citizens have fun at the Amman Stand-Up Comedy Festival.